anumodit karana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest अनुमोदित करना anumodit karana news and headlines :
विलय से पहले संबंधित दलों को इस संबंध अपनी प्रखंड इकाइयों से लेकर राष्ट्रीय इकाई से इसके प्रस्ताव को अनुमोदित करना आवश्यक है 1. insurers approve the proposed merger between their two groups 2. La Araucana approve their resistance, enhances their lives remained close to nature, sings the landscapes of the New World 3. On January 16, 1991, deputies and senators, meeting in special session, overwhelmingly approve the French involvement in any armed operations in the Gulf 4. So without being forced Napoleon III makes an initial liberal reform, very cautious, to attempt a rapprochement with the leftists who approve of his Italian policy and free trade policy 5. Tellingly of lasting hostility ultramontanism in France in the early nineteenth century: in 1817, Pope refused to approve a new concordat negotiated with the restored Bourbons, because it deemed too Gallican

Given are the examples of hindi word anumodit karana usage in english sentences. The examples of anumodit karana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., approve.

Can you guess why? Recall what you read about the Parliament in the earlier class and try to imagine what the Parliament could have done if it did not approve of the Cabinet's decision.

Government inspectors continued to approve the procedures in the plant, even when repeated incidents of leaks from the plant made it obvious to everybody that things were seriously wrong.
Existing socialist parties in Europe did not wholly approve of the way the Bolsheviks took power – and kept it.

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